Being a good developer usually means that you are partially lazy. Not the type of laziness which is really called procrastination, which I am good at by the way, but the type where you despise doing the same thing over and over again.
Recently I made the choice to start using Godot instead of Unity to build my games. This was a personal choice, and I wrote an article about that already here. After working with it for a few months I noticed that I was pulling in many of the same code libraries and plugins into my project which of course I would need to remember about whenever I tried to build it on a different system.
While using Unity I wrote a tool in Python called uModules
The new tool I created is called gspm, or Godot Stuff Project Manager. I would consider it to be a compliment to Godot. It is not something that gets added into your project that you need to remember. Instead, it is something similar to npm or pip if you are familiar with those tools. It helps you, the developer, manage the assets that are needed in your project and automates installing those assets for you. It won’t build your project for you, yet! But it will help you organize it, and ensure that things you share with other developers on your team just work.
I intend to write another article, and possibly make a video, on how to use the tool and what the benefits of using it are. For now, you can head on over to the gitlab repository and have a look at the documentation on the wiki page.